The Advanced Flying Training Course is designed to train and assess the trainee in all items required for the issue of VATSIM P2 and P3 ratings.
Throughout the course the trainee is expected to self-study through the use of e-learning material, supplied BAVirtual training manuals and documentation and the supplied Baron 58 POH. The trainee will in this way gain the technical knowledge and understanding necessary to pass the theory examinations. Upon successful completion of the Ground School course the trainee may then progress to the Multi-Engine Conversion phase where handling techniques and operational skills will be developed in the Beech Baron 58 aircraft.
This phase will culminate in a short practical and written assessment. Thereafter the trainee will progress to the Instrument Flying phase, culminating in a final practical assessment.
The P2 and P3 ratings will be issued upon successful completion of the Instrument Flying phase provided all elements of training (including requisite cross-country flying) have been identified as completed in the e-Learning Centre.Course Duration & Commitment
Candidates are expected to be prepared to commit to a minimum of one lesson per week, though allowances will be made for normal leave/holidays etc.
Minimum Equipment List
A primary focus of the course is upon handling a multi-engine aircraft in an asymmetric (i.e. engine-inoperative) condition. Therefore, all trainees MUST have a separate rudder axis available within their flight control hardware, either through a joystick with "twist" facility or separate rudder pedals. Autorudder usage is incompatible with the course.
Entry Prerequisites
To be accepted for the Flying Phase of the Advanced Flying Training Course the trainee must:
- Be a BAVirtual member
- Hold a VATSIM P1 rating
- Have successfully completed the Advanced Flying Training Ground School Course
- Any other conditions required by the Flight
Training Manager Advanced Flying Training
Training will take place using the Beech Baron and will be based at Oxford (EGTK).
Holders of VATSIM P1 ratings gained externally from BAVirtual will be accepted on to the course, but at the discretion of FTM Advanced Flying Training may be subject to a pre-entry proficiency check of their aircraft handling and theoretical knowledge to ensure a consistent trainee starting point.
We are pleased to begin accepting applications for the course. Before applying, please ensure that you:
- Hold a VATSIM P1 rating
- Have completed the Ground School section of the course.
Please provide details of the ATO(s) at which your ratings were achieved in the comment box below. Trainees who have completed prior ratings at other ATOs will be accepted on to the course, but priority is given to BAVirtual Initial Flying Training graduates.