This course is designed for all pilots who are either currently or considering flying on the VATSIM network.
Successful candidates will leave the course with an understanding of how to set up and install the essential software required to fly on the VATSIM network, as well us understanding the rules and regulations in force and the history of the network.
The course also introduces the basic concepts of navigation, flightplanning and aviation meteorology.
Note: due to changes in the VATSIM Pilot Rating

The BAVirtual PPL (VATSIM P1) course is an elementary flying course designed to bring a student from zero flying experience to proficiency in basic visual flying and manual handling techniques in preparation for multi-engine and instrument training. Subjects covered will include:
- Principles and Theory of Flight
- Aviation Meteorology
- General handling
- Visual departure and arrival procedures
- VFR flight planning and navigation
- Emergency procedures
The course is split between theory modules and practical flying lessons, carried out under the tuition of a BAVirtual instructor via shared cockpit software.
Supported simulators:
- Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS 2020) - Deluxe or Premium Deluxe version
The course meets all requirements for issue of the VATSIM P1 rating.
Course Duration & Commitment
The length of time taken to complete the course will depend to a certain extent on each individual's availability, the number of lessons undertaken per week and rate of progress.
There are fifteen air exercises and a minimum of one dual and three dual or solo navigation exercises to be completed during the course. Each lesson normally takes around 1hr 30 minutes, allowing for a short pre-flight briefing of around 10-15 minutes, around 40-60 minutes of dual flying and a short debrief of 10-15 minutes.
It is possible to complete the course with a minimum of about 12 hours of dual instruction, but 15-20 hours is more typical.
Candidates are expected to be prepared to commit to a minimum of one lesson per week, though allowances are made for normal leave/holidays etc.
Minimum Equipment List
- Joystick with twist rudder (or equivalent e.g. yoke/pedals)
- Please note that the course focuses on VFR navigation and thus we strongly recommend Orbx PilotPlus EGTB VFR scenery to enable successful identification of ground features.